Single-frequency narrowband Erbium laser
The EVOLASE Compact Single-Frequency Narrowband Erbium Laser.
Truly single wavelength
Only one resonatoymode temoo
Single longitudinal mode
High temporal (longitudinal) coherence (KM range)
Low noise, rin down to-130 DBC/HZ
Oem and benchtop design
Piezo modulation as option
Ideal for R&D purposes
CW-single frequency
Output power up to 10 W
Wavelength 1530 -1580 nm
Bandwidth < 1 kHz
Air cooling
Natural polarization (linear optional)
User-friendly front panel interface
Flexible Ethernet (TCP/IP) interface
Interferometric measurements
Measurements of surface velocity in fast-moving, shock-wave processes
Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV)
Laser spectroscopy
Optical communications